2023.12.14 13:55
Termék részletek
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Military historian Prof. Miklós Horváth, DSc. has been engaged in military history research since the early 1980s. His main fi eld of research is the military history of the 1956 Revolution and Struggle for Freedom as well as of the cold war era. His present volume contains six essays. The fi rst essay deals with the decade after World War II, i.e. the period of developing and stabilising the dictatorship in Hungary, focusing on the communist system of terror. The second paper highlights some chapters from the military history of the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight, including the general characteristics of freedom-fighter groups, and the fi rst war between socialist states ended by the Soviet invasion of Hungary. The third chapter depicts Hungary’s role during the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia, serving Soviet power aspirations. Then the author investigates Hungarian military intelligence documents and how these refl ected the martial law imposed in Poland in 1981. This is followed by some mosaics from Hungary’s cold war history, including the country’s relationship to internationalism, Hungarian participation in liberating the workers of Austria and Italy, as well as a study on the presumed eff ects of a nuclear war on Hungary. The last chapter gives insight into the steps of the restoration of Hungary’s sovereignty, with a special focus on the withdrawal of soviet troops and the contribution of Hungary to the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact.
Szerző |
Miklós Horváth
Cím |
Once Again Sovereignty
Alcím |
Studies from the History of Hungary after 1945
Nyelv |
Kiadó |
Argumentum Kiadó
Kiadás időpontja |
Kötés |
Oldalszám |
Formátum |
B/5. (168 × 238 mm)
Hasonló termékek |
A kosár üres
- Életrajz, levelezés, napló
- Enciklopédia, lexikon, szótár
- Filozófia
- Földrajz, biológia
- Gyógyszerészet
- Irodalom
- Irodalomelmélet, Irodalomtörténet, Irodalomtudomány
- Könyvtörténet
- Kulturális antropológia, néprajz, folklór
- Mese
- Művészet, művészettörténet
- Numizmatika
- Nyelvtudomány
- Pedagógia, Pszichológia
- Politikatudomány
- Publicisztika
- Sajtótörténet
- Szociológia, Társadalomtudomány
- Tanulmánykötet
- Történelem, Történettudomány
- Vallás
- Vers
- Zenetudomány
TOP termékek